HSCC Registration Fee:
HSCC is made up of families who come together with the purpose of encouraging and supporting the home school community. The organization is based upon volunteer participation and teachers who are paid via families to present quality instruction to students. Therefore, each year's classes are based upon the participation of our members who volunteer to teach a class/subject as well as several regularly offered classes i.e. Math tutoring, music (choir, band/orchestra) etc..
Classes for the fall semester will be held from September 10 through December 12, 2024. Our program will be in person this year on Wednesdays and Thursdays, however, most of our language classes will be held online multiple days of the week. Please be sure to check each class description for the specific days and times they are being offered.
We are super excited about being virtual and on campus this year.
2024-2025 Classes
Acting 101
Beginning/Intermediate Band/Orchestra
Business Classes (Entrepenuer)
Chinese (online)
Culinary Art/Pastry Art 1 & 2
Gifts/Calling 3 Week course for Middle and High School Students
Intro to Acting
Japanese (online)
Math Concepts/Intermediate Math/Consumer Math will be held on Tuesdays through Thursdays
Personal Finance
Spanish (in person and online)
High School Science (Biology ) Virtual (Thursdays and Fridays in person)
STEM (Partnering with the Patriots STEM Program)
(Moms ministry)- Beholding and Becoming The Art of Everyday Worship
American Heritage Girls Ministry
Speech and Debate
Current Location:
St. Ignatius Church/St. Luke's
2317 Brinkley Road
Ft. Washington, Maryland 20744
Maybe changing in the Spring (
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am-5 pm Fridays Special trips and High school science
(202) 578-5500