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Mrs. Thelma Adams

Business Class

Mrs. Kapre Davis

Do you want an alternative to Girl Scouts that will encourage your daughters to pursue Christ while walking in modesty?

Come check it out with us. We will begin meeting once a month unless otherwise noted.

Mrs. Michelle Farmer

Michelle is a part of the admin team for HSCC and Reviewer for CKGA. She will assist with leading our LEGO's team this year.

Mrs. Jasmine Giles

Mrs. Jasmine Giles is a Fashion Designer and gifted seamstress. She homeschools her children and shares her gifts and talents with the homeschool community.

Ms. Tai Heath

Chef Tai owns her own Pastry Business with her favorite partner, her mom Daneen Heath. She has a Master's Degree in Pastry Arts from Johnson and Wales University in Providence, Rhode Island.